Why we gather
Every week, we gather together from different parts of our city, from various neighborhoods, working different jobs and participating in different activities because God has brought us into his family. He hasn’t placed us in an organization, or incorporated us into a business, or granted us membership of an exclusive club, but rather, he has brought us into His Family.
Worship Services
Sundays 9am & 10:45am
Youth Services
Sundays @ 10:45am (6th - 8th)
Wednesdays @ 6:45pm (7th - 12th)
kids Services
Sundays 9am & 10:45am (K - 5th)
A Worship Service
There are a number of elements that you will experience in a worship service. These two words “worship” and “service” are of extreme importance. We come together to offer our worship to God–declaring Him to be the only one worthy of our fullest affection and to which our lives are directed. Also, we come together in a posture of service. Over centuries, the church has common elements of worship that have become a framework by which we offer ourselves to God.
As we gather, we sing together. Songs have been a part of the collaborative worship of God’s People for over two thousand years and stretch all the way back to the formation of God’s People.
Greeting One Another
As we gather, we take time to acknowledge the fact that God has brought a mixture of people together that probably wouldn't meet in any other circumstances.
Corporate Prayer
We take time to offer ourselves to God in prayer together. One person usually leads this time, but this doesn't mean we aren't all participating. We realize that this prayer is being offered from our congregation, not just this one person.
We take time to read the passage together and hear preaching that draws our hearts to make much of Jesus in the entirety of our lives. We often will say that we not only examine God's Word, but we want God's Word to examine our lives.
Jesus left his church with two special practices, Communion and Baptism. They both uniquely communicate the faithfulness of God.
Communion (“Eucharist” or “The Lord’s Supper”)
Is a thankful reminder of the faithfulness of God on display in Jesus' death. With the bread representing his body given for us and the cup representing his blood shed for us.
A sign of God's faithfulness in doing what he promised through Jesus. Baptism is like a picture of Jesus' death and resurrection that we get to experience tangibly. We are reminded of our faith that unifies us with Jesus in his death and resurrection.
Generous Giving
We regularly give financially because we see our money as a resource God has placed in our hands. He allows us yet another avenue by which we can declare to our hearts that He is Lord of all.
We usually end with a benediction. This means simply a good word. However, this isn’t just a good word from the pastor to the congregation, but a blessing that we receive from God.
Questions about our worship services
How long is a worship service?
Our services are usually around 80 minutes in length. This time fluctuates by about 5 - 10 minutes each week.
I've got kids...so, what do I do?
If you have children, we recommend arriving at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of the service, to check-in your children to their service and/or class. Our nurseries (infants - toddlers) are located in our Main Auditorium. The preschool area (2 years - 5 years) is located down the stairs off our Café and Via Kids (K - 5th) meets in the Cafe Auditorium. You are welcome to bring your kids to worship with you, if you’d like.
what do teenagers do on sundays?
If you have students in 6-8th grade, we have a Junior High ministry that meets during the 10:45 service. Your student will join you for the first part of worship and be dismissed to the Loft (the 2nd floor of the Cafe/Kids building) after singing and prayer. They will be dismissed at the conclusion of the service, no need to check in/out. High school students are encouraged to participate in the main Sunday worship service.
What should I bring?
Make sure to bring a Bible. The Bible is the story of God and is our rule of faith and conduct. Our services are very intentionally driven by Scripture. If you forget it at home, we do have Bibles under every other chair for you to use. If you do not have a Bible, please stop by our Info Center and we’d love to give you one.
We don't really have a dress code. In our congregation, you will experience a variety of styles of dress. You’ll see guys in shorts, t-shirts, and maybe a tie or two. Some ladies wear dresses, others are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. Just to give you a general idea, our pastors usually wear jeans or chinos and a button up shirt.
what music do you play for worship?
Our music is intentionally curated to help us reflect on the theme of the scripture that will be taught each week. Our music and instrumentation is current (drums, electric guitars, etc.) and includes a steady stream of both new songs and centuries-old hymns.
Here’s what we sang last Sunday: This Week At Via
I have more questions...who do I ask?
If you have questions while on campus, find someone with a blue name tag to ask for assistance. We would love to help you get connected here in a greater way!