How We Partner

The way in which we partner has everything to do with who God has called us to be as a local church. We want to steward well the resources God has put into our hands and also discern what God is specifically calling us to engage in. The following four areas represent the general way in which we partner.


Local Church

We partner with those who most directly help connect, serve and support the local church because the local church is the best long-term solution. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).


We partner with those whose work is aimed at the 4/14 window (4 yrs - 14 yrs) because this age is crucially formative. Jesus said that to such belongs the Kingdom of God (Mark 10:14).

The Marginalized

We partner with those whose work carries a deep conviction to identify with and come alongside the weak, the vulnerable, the powerless, because this shows the character of God. Jesus left the splendor of heaven to come to us (Philippians 2:5-7).


We partner with those whose work focuses on training and equipping leaders because the responsibility to lead is great and preparation is necessary. Jesus gives us leaders calling them to equip the church (Ephesians 4:11-12).