We scatter into our city

We are thankful to be placed within a city. We love that we are placed among many other image bearers of God to whom we can seek to bless, love, and serve in our lives.

Cities also for us represent a convergence of ideas and thoughts. In this context, we want to live faithfully as God's People. We exist to put Jesus on display. In Matthew 25, Jesus enters into a discussion about faithfulness. He shares that he is hidden in the poor, the naked, the prisoner, the stranger–and when we orient ourselves favorably toward the vulnerable, we show our love for Jesus. He says, "Whatever you've done for one of the least of these, so you've done unto me." This is no small reality to consider. We scatter into our city, knowing that putting Jesus on display means entering into the hurt and pain of the city. It means being a people who are in touch with the realities of sin. It means we see ourselves as both recipients of blessing and conduits of blessing in our lives to others.

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