Lent is a forty day season of reflection, repentance and renewal starting at Ash Wednesday and leading to Easter Sunday. This season is a time for reflecting on our human condition, sin and its deadly consequences, and responding in repentance. It’s also a time to consider the practical implications of our redemption in Christ and take up renewed devotion as we seek to live into this new life of faith. (Gal 2:19-20)

Ash Wednesday

Lent begins with a unique day called “Ash Wednesday” where we reflect on the frailty of our fallen human condition. We look solemnly at the curse that was pronounced over man in Genesis: for you are dust, and to dust you shall return (Genesis 3:19).

Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, March 5 at 12pm and 7pm


What does “Lent” mean?
The word “Lent” is related to the word “lengthen”, which means “spring”. The time of year when the days lengthen and new life ‘springs’ forth.

Isn’t Lent a Roman Catholic thing?
Lent is first of all a uniquely Christian thing. We see the beginnings of this practice formed in the later part of the first century as those who were to be baptized would enter a short season of instruction and fasting prior to baptism. During this period the church community would join them. Later, this journey became forty days. The early church practiced Lent from the third and fourth centuries. This was far before Roman Catholicism existed in the form we know it today. This practice was seen as a helpful expression of repentance to prepare a congregation for Easter Sunday and also a season of preparation for individuals for baptism.

Why are we observing Lent?
We’ve chosen to observe this unique season because in correspondence to the many reasons listed above, we are always looking for ways to remind ourselves of the good news of Jesus and Lent is a journey that calls our heart to do just that.

How can I lead myself (and my family) during Lent?
We would recommend (for individuals and families) to acquire the 40-day devotional by Tim Keller (available at the Bookshelf). This short piece contains a thought and Scripture for each day of Lent and is simple enough to walk through with young kids (with some adult help of course).

What’s up with fasting or “giving up” something for Lent?
A key component of the preparation of Lent is fasting. Fasting has two interlocking components–the giving up of something lesser and the taking on of something greater. In the wilderness, when Jesus was fasting, Satan came to tempt him saying, “command these stones to become loaves of bread” but Jesus responded quoting Deuteronomy 8, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 3:3-4) Jesus gave up temporary provision to show where true provision is found. Sundays during Lent are never fast days because they represent the resurrection and therefore a day of feasting.


As you journey with us during Lent, we encourage you to pick up a couple resources to guide your heart as you prepare for the passion and resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. These resources are available at the Info Center or your favorite bookseller.

Bible Reading Guide

Our daily reading guide selections will accompany you well on this journey through Lent.

Journey To The Cross
Paul David Tripp

This 40-day devotional will walk you through key scriptures and thoughts during the Lenten season.


40 Days of Decrease
Alicia Chole

This 40-day devotional invites readers into a daily fast of the stuff that sticks to our souls and weighs us down.
