Week of August 29, 2021

Pastor Andy, family and friends at the passing of Papa Horn.

Kristina Allen - Surgery for adenoma on parathyroid 8/17 & speedy recovery.

Pat Cope - home with fluid on lungs and cancer found in fluid. 

Denise Plympton - waiting on test results.

Lupe Borelli - daughter Susan, health issues. 

Clayton Plympton - triple by-pass surgery - full recovery.

Rose Breeden - complete healing after surgery.

Donna Warehime - Pastor friend in California, long term care - full recovery.

Donna Warehime - friend, brain tumor removed earlier but needs prayer for brain function.

Laraine Baxter - full recovery from shunt surgery on 8/23.

Stan Warehime - cousin in Texas, hospitalized with pneumonia and low oxygen.

Connie Cornell - sister and brother-in-law in Mississippi - both have covid and other infections.

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Week of August 22, 2021

Pastor Andy, family and friends at the passing of Papa Horn this past week.

Kristina Allen - Surgery for adenoma on parathyroid 8/17 & speedy recovery.

Pat Cope - hospitalized with fluid on lungs and cancer found in fluid. 

Denise Plympton - waiting on test results.

Lupe Borelli - daughter Susan, admitted to hospital with pneumonia 8/13 .

Clayton Plympton - triple by-pass surgery - full recovery.

Rose Breeden - complete healing after surgery.

Donna Warehime - Pastor friend in California, ICU- Tracheostomy 8/16.

Donna Warehime - friend, brain tumor removed earlier but needs prayer for brain function.

Laraine Baxter - shunt surgery on 8/23.

Stan Warehime - cousin in Texas, hospitalized with pneumonia and low oxygen.

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Week of August 8, 2021


Marlene Johnson family & friends at the passing of husband Eric on 7/28.

Lupe Borelli - daughter Susan, covid at home.

Clayton Plympton - triple by-pass surgery.

Rose Breeden - complete healing after surgery, is hospitalized.

Donna Warehime - Pastor friend in California, ICU with pneumonia & covid.

Kristina Allen - Parathyroid surgery on 8/17.

Teachers & Students returning back to school.


Donna Warehime - nephew Chris released from the hospital and is doing good.

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Week of June 27, 2021

Prayer Needs

Laraine Baxter - pray for good results from procedure done on 6/24.

Jan Vitale - grandson Lane, hospitalized (aspirated and on a ventilator)

Sandy King - niece Megan, pre-cancerous lesions on uterus. 

Theo Dorner - (age 7) health issues, healing and recovery from surgery.

Keith Bierle - quick/full recovery from hip replacement 6/14

Jessica Mejer - full healing in foot.

Don McMahan - health & strength.

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Week of May 30, 2021

Prayer Needs

Karen Vranjes - friend Bino, hospitalized with a severe form of West Nile virus.

Donna Warehime - friend Julie, hospitalized with bacterial pneumonia & possible sepsis

Don McMahan - health & strength.

Don Wyatt - hospitalized with infection.