This page contains our Financial Report for fiscal year August 2018-July 2019. Our financials are normally scheduled to be reviewed before the end of the calendar year, and we receive those completed, reviewed numbers in the first quarter of the following calendar year. However, due to a family emergency in our CPA's life, the sale of their accounting firm to JDS Professional Group, and the intricacies of the pandemic, we received our reviewed numbers later than normal. Thank you for your continued commitment to what God is doing in His Kingdom through us at Via Church.
Members of Via Church, our bylaws provide that you have an opportunity to bring any questions that you may have regarding the financial report (Article IV), we welcome you to review these numbers and any questions can be emailed to One of our Board of Directors' officers will be happy to find a time to discuss any questions you may have either on a Sunday morning or over the phone.
FISCAL YEAR of August 2018-July 2019
Current Assets……………………………...$740,497
Fixed Assets………………………………….$4,592,977
Total Assets………………………….$5,333,474
Current Liabilities…………………………$82,622
Long Term Liabilities……………………$2,705,077
Total Liabilities……………..……..$2,787,699
Total Net Capital…………..………$2,545,775
Total Liabilities & Net Capital…$5,333,474
Ministries and Events………………....$33,536
Total Income……………………..…$2,036,060
Departmental Ministries……….….…$156,366
Designated Departments.…….….…$96,457*
Total Expenses……..…………..…$1,675,770
Total Net……………………….….…$360,290
*Missions support is in this total
The church’s financial statements have been reviewed by JDS Professional Group (formerly Romek, Sanders and Company, P.C.). The Independent Accountants’ Review Report dated June 10, 2020, states that the CPA firm is not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.