Third Sunday

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Lent (Third Sunday)
6:00 PM18:00

Lent (Third Sunday)

The word Lent can invoke a number of thoughts, questions and feelings, depending on your background with the Church. Wherever one is coming from, we want each of us to be able to understand it through the lens of the one true story of the Bible. In a culture inundated with individualism and consumerism, with rhythms and practices that turn our desires toward the things we think we need, Lent turns our desires toward Jesus, the only thing we truly need, helping us trade lesser loves for His greater love. We invite you to join us for a night of learning more about this season on the Christian calendar and giving very tangible ways to participate.

Sunday, February 17 @ 6pm
These nights are designed for everyone from 7th grade through adults. On these nights our kids get together for the Big Story Night in our Kids Auditorium.

For previous Third Sundays click here

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Better Together (Third Sunday)
6:00 PM18:00

Better Together (Third Sunday)

Being intergenerational is a core value at Via. We believe that we are called to pass on faith to the next generation, and yet our society has structured our lives to separate the generations in many ways, from 55 plus communities to a culture that idolizes the teen years. The church is called to be an alternative community that brings the generations together in worship, mutual learning and support. Due to the breakup of the multigenerational family structure over the last many decades, this does not happen without intentional focus. Join us for a night of intergenerational activity for a deeper spiritual purpose.

“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
-Psalm 145:4

Sunday, January 20 @ 6pm
These nights are designed for everyone from 7th grade through adults. On these nights our kids get together for the Big Story Night in our Kids Auditorium.

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